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Managed IT Services

No matter your system make up, we can provide Managed IT Services to support and unburden your business with supporting your IT infrastructure, whether simple requirements or complex. Our engineers are experts in on premise systems as well as cloud based services, and are experienced in performing migrations, technical refreshes, requirements gathering and more.

Not only can we support what you currently have, but also suggest pathways to simplify, make your systems more resilient, ensure the configuration is secure and also make sure you are getting the most out of what you have.

Taking on the support of many systems can be arduous, but at Base3 we realise that this is a journey, and we can take your requirements from planning through to implementation and ongoing support.

Remote IT Support

Our Engineers are based in various areas, and able to support a range of geographical locations, such as Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire for any required on site work. Our Remote IT Support services can cover anywhere! We will onboard your systems to our central monitoring system where we can detect problems before they impact your business!

We will discuss your requirements and agree appropriate service levels, and if necessary work with you to plan the necessary onboarding tasks.

Technical Refresh

With the speed that technology moves it can be a difficult task to keep your IT systems up to date and in support. We can conduct system reviews to determine where your systems may be lacking and come up with an action play to replace hardware, upgrade servers and clients, and apply patching as necessary. We can also advise on whether moving to Cloud Services for your workloads would be a viable option. Throughout the process we can advise you meet any necessary security requirements, and highlight any gaps.

Digital Transformation

Do your business processes require a lot of manual effort, or duplication of effort? Is there a risk of human error, or are tasks not as efficient as they could be? Allow us to work with you to implement digital technology in your workplace and advise on ways to improve your workflows. We can provide advice, implementations, training and much more.

System Monitoring

All of the systems we support utilise a remote monitoring agent on each endpoint. This reports all the management information we need to ensure your services are running as expected and can notify us of potential issues before they stop your business from functioning. This also allows us the investigate any reported issues and help your users get back to doing what they do best!

Cloud Migrations

Our experienced cloud engineers can help you move your workloads from on-premise to a cloud provider, and help you re design them to make the most of the latest cloud technologies. We are also able to help your business utilise Office 365 and can manage the service on your behalf if required.