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Data Analytics

Every day, your business can be generating hundreds to millions of data points which can provide insights into how to drive you forward; the trick is converting it from abstract data to useable information. Base3 can manage the end-to-end process of collecting and shaping your data, presenting it to you with meaningful impact, as well as managing any of the steps as a separate entity.

Data Extraction

Your data can exist in many forms, across many spaces – be it spreadsheets on your desktop, entries in your database or tickets in your workflow management system to name but three. With no easy way of integrating these disparate datasets it can be difficult to get an overview of what information could be provided if the data was united. Base3 has the tools and the expertise to remedy this.

Data Transformation

Collating your data is only the first stage of the battle. Data is nothing without context – once collected, Base3 can shape your data according to the information and insights you wish to glean from it.

Data Loading

Once your data has been collected and transformed into a usable structure, Base3 can load the end result into a repository for further analysis, either by your own teams or as service we can provide on your behalf.

Data Presentation

As the final step in the pipeline, Base3 can analyse the data and present it to you as workable information, with meaningful insights, be it as a written report or in the form of an interactive dashboard.